He is Samiaji the king of Amartapura and the oldest of five brothers "Pendawa Lima". He was a very patient king and was never angry; he never told a lie. Having these characteristics, in the word of the wayang hi is said to have "white blood". Samiaji is a symbol of honesty and patience.
And Shinta. In the original Ramayana story she was the wife of Rama. She was kidnapped, and locked up by Rahwana. She was released by her husband and helped bythe white monkey and Lesmana her brother in-law. To prove that she was still a virgin, she was burned by her husband but the fire didn't harm her, hence proving her innocence. She is the symbol of faithfulness and honour.
In this 4th excerpt from the Ramayana, Anoman finally finds Shinta in the kingdom of Alengka. He gives Rama's ring to Shinta as instructed and in return, Shinta gives Anoman an ornament to give to Rama. There is also a bit of flirtation between Anoman and Trijhata (Rahwana's niece) who happens to be protecting Shinta. This hints of their eventual marriage later on.
by: elibris