Palm oil is driving forest clearance at an alarming rate in Indonesia. Latest figures put the rate of forest clearance at 3 football fields a minute - the greatest proportion of this is linked to palm oil. We filmed the clearances and it was a shocking site. Majestic trees being felled by chainsaws and bulldozers. With global climate change on everyone's mind at the moment it might be worth paying attention to an industry where a large part is funded with our money, but is causing the slingle greatest threat to global climate change in the world. Most of the lowland dry forest has already been lost from Kalimantan and Sumatra. Developers have turned their eyes to peat swamp forest now. Whilst harbouring timber, these swamps also lock up huge quantities of carbon in thick peat reserves - these are now at threat. Learn more:
WWW.ANTHOLOGY.TV proudly brings you the excellent documentary analysing the palm oil industry in Sumatra, Indonesia. See it now at or paste this link: p?cPath=2_89&products_id=170&osCsid=fbe3 4b853a656da0fd3d87d9b1e915dd
by: anthology101
the new forest