okay, ^o^ here is a photo taken with my favorite natural lighting condition and subject… yeah, ö_ö the precious & gorgeous golden lighting at sunrise with those translucent back-lighted wings.
Õ_õ before shooting this frame, those little egrets were flying with an incredible synchronism, together all the time, quite like an egret carrying a mirror aside; ö_ö many times they were showing off some incredible maneuvers right in front of my nose. lols… ò_ó frustrating for me, because the fact was happening at very near time of dawn and i hadn’t sufficient light to click the shutter. ó_ò hmmm… increasing iso for more than 400 would give me too much granulation in the entire composition and the use of flashlight *even with a diffuser* most probably would be disastrous. ö_ö yeah, it was hard to remember constantly that they were wild, they could get scared easily and pluff… ö_ö disappear in a blink of an eye. ~_^
ö_ö i was lucky, they came back later on and eventually, i got this shot. controlling lens flare was a bit difficult but my crew were very cooperative, they promptly answered my request of *don’t move, be quiet, no breathing and heads down* and ö_ö i could maneuver my big lens comfortably. ^o^lols
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In this excerpt, the bird Jatayu sees the demon Rahwana abducting Shinta and attempts to save her. Rahwana is too strong and mortally wounded Jatayu. Rama and his brother Laskamana finds the wounded Jatayu while searching for Shinta. Before he dies, Jatayu reveals that Rahwana is the one who abducted Shinta.
by: elibris