Aceh sunset
Sunset into Indian ocean, NAD
View of sun going down from Losari 'beach' in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. by: kincaid589
Archive for 05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007
Aceh sunset

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Aceh Indonesia sunset
Sumatra surf
Joy Zipper - "Go Tell The World"
Hinako Islands, North Sumatra, Indonesia.
May 2005. by: marciotapajos

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sumatra surf indonesia
Diving in Indonesia
Diving in the Bunaken National Marine Park, Manado, North Sulawesi Indonesia, a global center of marine biodiversity near the island of Siladen. Photo by Antonello Paone.
A few minutes of footage from our Feb'07 dive with manta rays around Komodo, Indonesia. We had up to 6 mantas visible simultaneously at times, with probably a dozen or so different individuals in all, wingspans up to ~15 feet, over the course of the dive. This was filmed and compiled by esteemed acquaintence Garry Bevan
by: harvardpunk

Dylan's kite
Nusa Dua, Bali Indonesia
A. Rofiq / Malang - Indonesia / 04:28 /
Family, 3D Animation / 2006 /
Creator Words : "Semua yang kita cintai pasti akan meninggalkan kita. Seperti jiwa yang meninggalkan raga".
"Everything that we love will leave us like the soul that will leave our body someday".
by: hellofest2

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kite Indonesia Bali
okay, ^o^ here is a photo taken with my favorite natural lighting condition and subject… yeah, ö_ö the precious & gorgeous golden lighting at sunrise with those translucent back-lighted wings.
Õ_õ before shooting this frame, those little egrets were flying with an incredible synchronism, together all the time, quite like an egret carrying a mirror aside; ö_ö many times they were showing off some incredible maneuvers right in front of my nose. lols… ò_ó frustrating for me, because the fact was happening at very near time of dawn and i hadn’t sufficient light to click the shutter. ó_ò hmmm… increasing iso for more than 400 would give me too much granulation in the entire composition and the use of flashlight *even with a diffuser* most probably would be disastrous. ö_ö yeah, it was hard to remember constantly that they were wild, they could get scared easily and pluff… ö_ö disappear in a blink of an eye. ~_^
ö_ö i was lucky, they came back later on and eventually, i got this shot. controlling lens flare was a bit difficult but my crew were very cooperative, they promptly answered my request of *don’t move, be quiet, no breathing and heads down* and ö_ö i could maneuver my big lens comfortably. ^o^lols
Better view at… / Um close melhor no... Original Size
In this excerpt, the bird Jatayu sees the demon Rahwana abducting Shinta and attempts to save her. Rahwana is too strong and mortally wounded Jatayu. Rama and his brother Laskamana finds the wounded Jatayu while searching for Shinta. Before he dies, Jatayu reveals that Rahwana is the one who abducted Shinta.
by: elibris

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egret Ramayana Jatayu Bali
the new forest
Palm oil is driving forest clearance at an alarming rate in Indonesia. Latest figures put the rate of forest clearance at 3 football fields a minute - the greatest proportion of this is linked to palm oil. We filmed the clearances and it was a shocking site. Majestic trees being felled by chainsaws and bulldozers. With global climate change on everyone's mind at the moment it might be worth paying attention to an industry where a large part is funded with our money, but is causing the slingle greatest threat to global climate change in the world. Most of the lowland dry forest has already been lost from Kalimantan and Sumatra. Developers have turned their eyes to peat swamp forest now. Whilst harbouring timber, these swamps also lock up huge quantities of carbon in thick peat reserves - these are now at threat. Learn more:
WWW.ANTHOLOGY.TV proudly brings you the excellent documentary analysing the palm oil industry in Sumatra, Indonesia. See it now at or paste this link: p?cPath=2_89&products_id=170&osCsid=fbe3 4b853a656da0fd3d87d9b1e915dd
by: anthology101

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palm oil industry Indonesa forest
I met this woman in Bali, when I bought a painting from her that her grandson had painted. I was deliberating for a few days, coming and going, and so eventually met the entire family. This is a crop of a photo of her and her daughter, I thought the expression and texture of her face deserved more of a close up.
"Very old and rare" Indonesian promo video. by: DHODHOTT

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Nenek Indonesia Art Lady
Indonesian commercial - Harper's Bazaar Indonesia - featuring a famous beautiful Indonesian model, Mariana Renata
by: daisyflow7

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photomodels Indonesia Bandung Mariana Renata
I borrowed a soft water housing while in Indonesia, then spent an entire day trying to position myself inside the barrel for the classic tube shot. This wave is only head high but I was getting pounded. The bottom was reef but it was flat reef where I was landing, so I wasn't getting scraped up, just thumped. It was about 5 feet deep. I was shooting with a 15mm so the hardest part is positioning yourself in the sweet spot without ruining the glassy face of the wave.
Video cojonudo de cortxo en Indonesia. Canción MUY buena de Fondo. poco mas de 3 minutos de duración. by: jomen

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waves surfing Indonesia shorebreak
Katupat, PulauTogean, TogeanIslands 92
Kadidiri Paradise on the island Kadidiri, Togean Islands. Bounty experience in Sulawesi, Indonesia
by: bobcaffin

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Indonesia Togeans Islands
Cacao Man
Taken on a village in Mamuju Utara, Sulawesi Barat (2005).

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Sulawesi Cacao Man Indonesia
Save the forest
Save the Forest for our future
by: arysaputra
Forestry is an important sector of Indonesia’s economy. In the 1980s, it contributed an average 16% of total foreign exchange earnings annually, with forest-related employment accounting for about 5.4% of the total labor force. Prior to the colonial era, 90% of the country was forested; up to 1966, 75% was still covered by tropical forest; in the 1970s, large-scale commercial forest exploitation began to take place which ended up with the timber boom; and in 2000, forest cover was only 58% of the land area. The annual rate of forest loss averaged 1.2% between 1990 and 2000, with illegal logging identified as the major culprit for this rapid rate of deforestation and forest degradation.

Kecak dance
The Kecak dance is especially intense, involving chants, yelling, fire (can't help but hear Beavis and Butthead say that word), and a hypnotic ambience. The setting for the dance couldn't be more perfect: atop a cliff 250 feet above the crashing ocean below, with a backdrop of the most dramatic Balinese Hindu temple in Bali. All of this happening as the sun dips below the horizon; one flame extinguished, another is born.
the video is created by: chaos242

Pulang ke Mangkuyudan naik becak... banyak turis ni hehe lagi pada ke hotel ibis paling by: radjafan
Yogyakarta travel guide:
Traditional three-wheeled and pedal-powered cart, known as becak, which can be found in most part of Yogyakarta. Haggle furiously before getting into the becak. Be sure to determine whether the price is for a one-way or return (pulang) trip and if you want the driver to wait whilst you conduct your shopping or business. A ride from within the city to the Malioboro shopping precinct should not cost more than $1.00.

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Becak Indonesia Yogyakarta
Mount Batur, Bali
TRACK: mo'horizons, come touch the sun
climbing up that volcano in complete darkness
on a small slippery footpath after a few hours of sleep.
but as the sun rises, the exhausting climb soon is forgotten...
but where did all the monkeys suddenly come from?
by: roop77tube
Lake Batur is the widest lake in this island. It lies down in the feet of Mount Batur and Mount Abang.
The surrounding of the lake is a favorite place for picks you self up.
At lake Batur you can see the scenic view and feel cool atmosphere.
Bangli's mountainous region centers around the spectacular volcanic crater (or caldera) of Batur. Mount Batur itself is actually just a small volcano, but its setting is in the heart of a huge crater. Adjacent to the volcano is the large crescent-shaped Batur Lake, all surrounded by the high walls of the crater rim.
The surrounding of the lake is a favorite place for picks you self up.
At lake Batur you can see the scenic view and feel cool atmosphere.
Bangli's mountainous region centers around the spectacular volcanic crater (or caldera) of Batur. Mount Batur itself is actually just a small volcano, but its setting is in the heart of a huge crater. Adjacent to the volcano is the large crescent-shaped Batur Lake, all surrounded by the high walls of the crater rim.

Fish ponds? Reality is difficult to tell from above. They don't appear like rice paddies or at least there are no discernible rows of rice. What is obvious is that they were drying up as it is summer season in Makassar these days. Without a doubt, landscapes look different when you are not on the ground.
Rice field of Bali.
A story of a kite home made by children.
Directors : Antoines Breton, Lucas Gurdjian 4 digital voyage. by: warehousestudio

Fishing & Dolphins
Every morning @ 5.30am tourist are rounded up and placed into fishing boats to catch the sunrise and chase the Dolphins. I was one of them - hot shots by: divinechristine

Learn to surf
Un petit extrait de ma vidéo de surf réalisé en octobre 2005 lors d'un surftrip entre potes à Bali... Extrait essentielement filmé sur la plage de Balangan by: bisca40

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Surfing Bali Indonesia